
Since its inception, our school’s approach to teaching and learning has been steeped in progressive education and joyful experience. We at K.R. Mangalam World School, Greater Noida Extension has adapted the tenets of progressive education to reflect the most up-to date innovations in curriculum and pedagogy .

Prepare Student

We prepare students with deep knowledge and understanding of the core content areas of schooling: mathematics, science, computer-technology, social science and literacy. The process of learning to learn is central forte of our school. We support students to understand who they are as learners so that they can advocate for themselves.

Support Social & Emotional

We support social and emotional learning by working with students to develop their own understanding of who they are in relation to learning, to their communities and to the world

Engage Students

We engage students to understand the world through a social justice lens. This lens provide our students with guideposts for understanding and actively participating in a democratic society,

This is an integrated academic approach. They are not separate pieces of a pie, but rather the weft that is woven by teachers and students as they collaborate to learn.